Fashion Flashback: Before he was Mr. Suit & Tie

Fashion Flashback: Before he was Mr. Suit & Tie

Whenever I look at my old pictures I get this weird, visceral jolt as I’m transported back in time, usually followed very quickly by the thought, “I should burn all the evidence,” which of course I never do, but I’ve been very tempted.

Child and tween celebrities don’t even have the luxury of considering that option as all their growing pains are meticulously documented by the media but I guess the inability to hide your past under a rock is part of the price you pay for stardom. That said, wow, how quickly they grow right? Justin Timberlake has come a long ways since his N’Sync days, and his look has evolved quite a bit over the last decade. He’s even all grown-up and married now. Congrats, Justin, you’ve aged quite nicely. Now button up your suit, fix your tie, tip your dapper hat, and enjoy the flashback.

*Photo courtesy of Refinery29